Living by Your Values

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Living by Your Values

From this list of personal values select 10 that are most important to you – as guides for how to behave, or as components of a valued way of life. It helps to think about what was valued in your family when you were growing up. Feel free to add any values of your own to the list. When you have identified 10, cut them down to 5. Which 5 would you give up? Cross them off. Then cut them down to 3 and write them on the next page of this handout.

awareness adaptability accountability
achievement balance being liked
being the best caring caution
challenge clarity coaching/mentoring
collaboration commitment community involvement
compassion complacency conflict
resolution control cooperation
courage creativity dialogue
diversity efficiency empowerment
enthusiasm entrepreneurial environmental awareness
ethics fairness family
financial stability forgiveness friendship
future generations generosity health
holistic thinking honesty humility
humor/fun independence influence
initiative innovation integrity
job security leading by example listening
logic long term perspective loyalty
making a difference mentoring open communication
openness optimism patience
perseverance personal fulfillment personal growth
power pride professional growth
professionalism quality reliability
respect responsibility risk-taking
safety service self-discipline
social responsibility spirit success
sustainability teamwork trust
vision wealth wisdom
work/life balance Other:  



We all live by certain values that are important to us. Some stay with us from childhood and others we pick up and change through life. Understanding each others’ values helps us build healthier relationships, especially in teams where we are working towards common goals.

List your top three values. Describe what each value means to you. Identify one thing you will do to put your values into action in your work.

Value Description Action




















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